Smoothis yes they are healthy too, no sugar is added in any of it, check out the wide range.
Smoothis yes they are healthy too, no sugar is added in any of it, check out the wide range.


Picture this : you’re hard pressed for time and it seems like you can only make it in time to work if you skip breakfast? Presenting a thick blend of fresh fruits in a healthy and colourful smoothie that is as easy to gulp down as it is filling so you don’t have to skip health for work anymore!



Apple Chia

Natural Protein Smoothie

Whey Chocolate Smoothie -High protein

Whey Kulfi Smoothie - High protein


Mix Fruit



Mango Chia

- Rs.200/

- Rs.200/

- Rs.200/

- Rs.200/

- Rs.250/

- Rs.250/

- Rs.200/

- Rs.200/

- Rs.200/

- Rs.200/

- Rs.250/

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